Why are builders called chippys anyway? Contrary to popular belief, it has nothing to do with their preference for takeaways. As far back as the 16th century, a commonly used tool by carpenters was an adze which produced A LOT of wood chips. He who produces chips, is a chippy and so the slang was born.
Anyway, back to the day in the life of a Shelton Homes chippy.
Clock reads 6am
If we were getting out of bed at 6am that would be a sleep-in! We aren’t going to give you a play-by-play here, but know that a builders day starts early. By the time most people are waking up and deciding if they want to get out of bed or catch that extra 10 minutes of Z’s, builders are already well into their day. Our clients are paying for a high-quality product so our builders start at the crack of dawn to ensure the project is completed at the highest quality, within the time frames provided. Everything has to be kept on track and ready for handover around the 24-26 week mark which can often mean long days.
Building Through the Owner's Eyes
Our team does their best to build through your eyes. What does this mean exactly? Each client is different, with different needs, different preferences and different dream homes in mind. We do our best in every build to ensure your home is exactly how you want it. This thought pattern helps to provide a different perspective for every build. No two homes are the same which means our days don’t become mundane and repetitive. By seeing the plans, the finished product and everything in between through the owners' eyes, handover days are often just as exciting for us as they are for you.
Clock reads 8am
Is it time for smoko yet? The days are long and strenuous, so yes builders do need multiple opportunities to refuel. A quick break to scoff a brekky roll and iced coffee, a crate or esky creating the perfect seat and a chance to hash out what the next few hours will look like.
A nearby wheelie bin doubles as a desk when a call comes in to discuss the delivery of framing and then the day moves forward now that everyone has a renewed burst of energy.
You Are Always Welcome On Site
Throughout the build of your home, you are welcome anytime to come and check progress. Our builders will welcome you with open (but usually sweaty and dirty) arms and engage with you on which stage your home is up to.
It’s exciting! We get it! This is your dream home - of course, you want to know what the slab looks like, and the framing, and the roof and the wiring and the walls…do we need to go on? Often when our clients come to see the progress they are surprised by how much has been done and that’s a great feeling all round.
Got Questions? We Welcome Them
If something seems not quite right, if you have a question, if something isn’t quite what you envisioned, that’s okay. Ask a question, we welcome your questions at any time. We’ve been creating masterpieces since 1995 and stand by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.
We want you to LOVE your home and if you’ve ever seen our testimonials, you know that our clients are ecstatic with the way their home has come together and it often exceeds their expectations.
When All Is Said and Done
The sweet serenity of handover! When a job is completed, the team comes together to do a walkthrough of the house. Everyone gets to appreciate the finished product and our builders get a sense of accomplishment with every build.
A discussion is had between the team on standout features, what was done well throughout the build, is there any process that could be improved? We are constantly evolving and constantly bettering ourselves to ensure every build is a successful combination of your vision and our quality workmanship and expertise.
Are you ready to experience building a Shelton Home? We welcome your call or enquiry, well we encourage it!
Shelton Homes